How to trace absconded tenants quickly and efficiently on a “no trace – no fee” basis.
Every year millions of pounds worth of rent goes unpaid in Nottingham and the surrounding areas. Understandably, this is a growing issue for landlords, property owners and estate agents, and if a tenant was to abscond before fulfilling any unpaid fees it can be extremely costly and stressful.
In the past, if a tenant was to vanish before settling any unpaid fees, in most cases it would be extremely difficult or impossible to track them down, leading landlords to simply write off the money lost. Obviously, this creates huge financial consequences for the landlords in question, and so it is completely unfeasible to consider this option in today’s financial climate.
Fortunately, there are many track and trace agencies based in and around Nottingham who can help locate and absconded tenant. Debt Collection Nottingham provides a completely free track and trace agency referral service. This service is open to anyone, regardless of whether you are a business or a private individual.
Who Our Partners Can Track and Trace For You
- Absconded tenants
- Missing relatives or Friends
- Tracing ‘gone away’ debtors
- Non-CSA paying parents
- It’s Fast & Easy
How To Trace Absconded Tenants
Our award-winning partners provide the leading track and trace service in Nottingham. Each one has been handpicked by one of our in-house property experts, and can provide a quick and effective ‘no find, no fee’ service. This service is ideal for landlords who are owed thousands from
This service is extremely reliable and effective, and also removes the need to source and hire private investigators, who are typically expensive and take payment regardless of a successful outcome. By using one of our partners, missing individuals can be found within minutes and the results will be provided to you quickly get the results to you fast and only for £50.
Our Partners regularly trace:
- Absconded Debtors
- Missing Persons
- Absent Parents
- Lost relatives
- CSA Payment evaders
Featured Track and Trace Agency Partner

Tracesure’s unique ‘no trace – no fee’ services, is used by thousands of entities across the UK, EU and even further afield to search for and locate individuals not wishing to be found or that have simply relocated without informing the relevant parties or even family members.
Tracesure can track down the most elusive of people using their specialist resources and network of field contacts.