Find out just who exactly you are renting your property to. Be Sure – Be Tenant-sure.
An eviction is sometimes a necessary part of a landlord’s list of responsibilities, and when the time comes the process must be handled in the most effective and swift manner possible.
There are a variety of reasons as to why a tenant (be that a private individual or a business) will need to be evicted. Unpaid rent may be one reason, or perhaps the tenant has caused excessive damage to the property. Regardless of the reason, only the best tenant eviction agency should be used.
Debt Collection Nottingham provides a completely free tenant eviction agency referral service. This service recommends the leading professional eviction agencies in Nottingham, helping landlords and estate agents find the best eviction firm for the task at hand.
Tenant Eviction Service – What Our Partners Offer
- Tenant ID Verification
- Bankruptcy & IVA Search
- Search for CCJ’s, Enforcement Orders etc
- Verify previous addresses
- Provides Peace of Mind
Tenant Eviction Service
Every year millions of pounds worth of rent goes unpaid in Nottingham, and recent data suggests that the issue is growing worse due to factors such as the general economic climate and the Covid-19 pandemic.
When searching for a tenant eviction agency it’s important to consider who will handle the actual process in the best way possible. If an eviction is handled poorly, it can result in an excessive amount of time lost, as well as any damages to the property, both of which will cost the landlord even more money to resolve.
A recent study demonstrated that on average it can take between 3 and 4 months to evict a tenant from a property, and the act of eviction can cost up to more than £4,000.
The best agency to choose is one which will complete the eviction promptly, effectively and professionally. Each one of our award-winning partners provides this level of service at a low cost and has been hand-picked by one of our in-house property experts.
By opting to use a professional tenant eviction agency, you can ensure that your issues with bad tenants are resolved professionally and swiftly.
Outsourcing the eviction of a tenant to a professional tenant eviction agency in Nottingham is the most cost-effective and expedient way of evicting difficult tenants.
Tenant Checking Service
As well as the leading tenant eviction service in Nottingham, our partners also provide tenant checking services. This service lowers the risk of encountering future problems and issues with tenants by helping landlords and estate agents perform quick and simple checks on a potential new tenant before the beginning of an agreement.
A fully comprehensive check is performed on the new tenant in question, allowing landlords and property owners to make and informed decision. This service can check both private individuals and businesses.
Featured Tenant Eviction Service Agency Partner

Tenantsure can help secure possession of your property quickly. Their Simple Low-Cost Tenant Eviction service delivers results. They specialise in dealing with Fast Tenant Evictions. Their simple 4 step Tenant eviction service is Pay-As-You-Go
Tenantsure is a Professional and DIrect Tenant Eviction service. Non paying Tenants is a problem no Landlord wants. Their service is designed to keep things simple.